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    Golden Bull Academy courses elevated my trading game to a whole new level.

    Thanks to all, I now navigate the forex market with ease and my profits are up 150%.

    Nicolas Brown, Student


    I owe my trading success to the insights I gained from Golden Bull Academy.

    Golden Bull Academy courses are a comprehensive roadmap to becoming a skilled trader. Patrick is the scalping master, rock star!

    Dominik Johnson, Student


    Golden Bull Academy scam awareness section saved me from potential pitfalls.

    Golden Bull Academy is my go-to resource for all things forex trading, and they made me aware of many scammers taking advantage of new traders.

    Maria Miklasewski, Student


    My trading journey took a positive turn after discovering ForexU.

    ForexU's practical strategies have made a significant difference in my profits.

    Amanda Wilson, Student

    These sections and features are at the core of our commitment to your trading success.

    We provide you with the knowledge, protection, and tools you need to thrive in the challenging world of forex trading. Join our community of traders today and take advantage of these valuable resources.

    Providing just one type of trading signal falls short of meeting the demands of contemporary traders. Today’s traders seek a diverse range of analyses, encompassing more than just technical analysis. Our core package is meticulously crafted to cater to the requirements of both novice and experienced traders in the modern era.

    Market Scanner

    Forex Market Scanner

    Our market scanner is able to filter the market for up to 6 different types of trade setups. It is available in multiple forms, such as styleable web components or plugins for trading platforms and charting tools.

    Risk Calculator

    Forex Risk Calculator

    We give traders the confidence to trade live accounts by helping them manage their exposure. This tool helps prevent overexposure and keep traders active.

    Trade Set-Ups

    Forex Signals

    Volatility alerts

    Forex Upcoming volatility email alert

    We provide timely alerts about periods when their preferred instruments are expected to undergo significant volatility.


    Our comprehensive courses are designed to take you from a novice trader to a skilled professional. We cover everything from the fundamentals of forex trading to advanced strategies, ensuring you have a solid foundation to make informed decisions in the market. With the guidance of experienced traders, you'll gain practical insights that can significantly boost your trading skills and confidence.


    Maximize your trading potential with our real-time signals from reputable forex traders. Our signals are your key to profitable opportunities in the market. These signals are provided by experienced traders who analyze market conditions and trends. As a a beginner you'll our signals are an invaluable tool to enhance your trading strategy and decision-making.

    Scam Alerts:

    Protecting your investments is paramount, and that's why we've dedicated a section to expose common scams and fraudulent schemes in the forex world. Our scam alerts provide you with valuable information on how to recognize red flags and steer clear of potential pitfalls. Stay one step ahead of scammers and safeguard your hard-earned capital with our scam awareness resources.

    ForexU Golden Bull Courses are your roadmap to mastering the art of forex trading, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies needed to excel in the financial markets.



    Dive into the world of forex trading with our beginner-friendly resources.



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    Explore advanced trading strategies in our dedicated Advanced Section.



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      Risk Warning:

      Simulated or hypothetical performance results come with inherent limitations. Unlike an authentic trading record, simulated outcomes do not reflect real trading activities. Furthermore, because these trades haven’t been executed, the results might either overstate or understate the potential impact of specific market factors, including, but not limited to, liquidity shortages. It’s essential to note that simulated trading programs are typically constructed with the benefit of hindsight. Thus, no assurance is provided that any trading account will attain or mirror profits or losses akin to those illustrated on the forexu.co website. Ninety percent of newcomers attempting to invest in forex, cryptocurrencies, stocks, and other markets experience failure and financial loss. The key to successful investing lies in knowledge and experience. Keep in mind that becoming a successful trader typically requires months, and sometimes even years of dedication. The duration of your educational journey will vary depending on your individual progress.

      CFTC RULE 4.41- The foreign exchange market and currency trading involve significant speculation, leading to the potential for extreme volatility in currency prices. There is a risk of losing your entire investment. Foreign exchange trading is inherently risky and may not be suitable for all investors. It’s advisable to consult with a financial professional before making any investment decisions. It’s possible to experience a loss of some or all of your initial investment. There is no assurance that any trading account will achieve profits or incur losses as past performance does not guarantee future results. Individual outcomes vary, and there is no guarantee that your results will be similar to those depicted. It’s important to acknowledge that no promises or guarantees of success or profitability have been made between you, ForexU, and/or Golden Bull. For more information, please refer to our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Risk Disclosures.

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